- Based on the company’s characteristics and brand image, the corporation set ‘Womenation’ (Women+Donation) as the concept of its CSR activities for alienated women.
Fissler Korea chose single mothers as a beneficiary of its CSV (Creating Shared Value) programs to give tangible benefits to them
- Its CSR activities and influence were expanded through the continuous operation of support programs under the consistent concepts each year
- With the strategic use of TV shows, daily newspapers, monthly magazines, materials and other promotional content, exposure was boosted while social bonds were being built

- Exposure was increased on TV channels and global media channels as well as newspaper channels in the form of special articles and photo news
- Annually 150 reports were recorded regarding the corporation’s CSR campaigns
- Fissler’s positive corporate image was expanded as a socially-responsible foreign business operating in Korea and the company’s iconic image as a business prioritizing CSV was secured